Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here's a word of advice for all of you: if you are going to compare yourself to a literary character, please be familiar with the character to which you are alluding.

I was in a discipline committee meeting (I have no idea why I'm on this committee--I'm not the world's greatest disciplinarian...) yesterday, and our chairwoman was talking about how when the tardy bell rings, there are no kids on her hallway because they're all afraid of her.

Now, goodness knows I would love to inspire more fear in some of the students--I think it would make my life considerably easier. However, I hope that should I ever achieve this goal, I would have the sense to not describe myself as having an Oedipus Complex as this teacher did.

Obviously, she is the wrong gender to have this complex, and even if that were not an issue, I would hope that her ability to intimidate students would not make her want to kill her father and have sex with her mother.


  1. Wow! I'm somewhat literaturally challenged (and like to make up new words to suit my purpose :-) ), but even I would know better than to make a comment like that!
