Saturday, April 11, 2009

Shopping Extravaganza

A dear friend invited me to go outlet shopping with her on Friday "for a couple of hours." Little did I know that "a couple of hours" would more than double by the time we were through. To those of you well-versed in the way of the outlet mall, this probably seems like no big deal, but I am not a shopper. I'm cheap, I don't like crowds, and I especially don't like fitting rooms. However, this might have been the most enjoyable shopping experience I've had in a long time.

2 purses, 1 pair of jeans, 1 skirt, 1 pair of capris, 1 scarf, 3 tops, 1 pair of earrings, and a newfound fashion sense later, I feel like a new woman! And I got some quality time with a pretty fabulous friend, so that was just icing on the cake.

And now, because confession is good for the soul...

After I had done all the damage I felt I should be allowed yesterday, I did let a couple of other awesome ladies "force" me into a little shoe-shopping action this morning. I have 3 pairs of new shoes (and hopefully I won't be chastised too severely for the third pair--I haven't confessed them to LL yet), but I promise I will give some other shoes away to compensate.

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